What skincare to avoid after laser

What It’s Like to Get Laser Hair Removal on Your Face?

Laser hair removal is considered to be the best and the least painful hair removal method available on the market today. While it’s less painful than other long-lasting result hair removal methods like electrolysis hair removal, laser can be slightly painful on certain area of the body, including the face. There are specific areas on your face that are more sensitive than others. For example the upper lip is particularly sensitive, while the cheeks and forehead with ticker skin tend to be less bothersome. Let’s explore together what exactly you can experience during the process of facial laser hair removal.

Before Your Appointment

  • Consultation – The consultation is the first step for every treatment. This is the time to discuss with your laser technician about your goals, medical history, and any other questions you might have about the treatment. 
  • Sun Safety – Avoid sun exposure for a few weeks before your laser hair removal treatment. This will be mentioned by your laser technician too whenever you’ll have your consultation. Tanned skin will increase the risk of side effects. 

During the Treatment

Your laser technician will press a hand-held laser instrument to your skin. Depending on the type of laser, a cooling device on the tip of the instrument or a cool gel might be used to protect your skin and lessen the risk of side effects.

When the doctor activates the laser, the laser beam will pass through your skin to the hair follicles. The intense heat from the laser beam damages the hair follicles, which inhibits hair growth. You might feel discomfort, such as a warm pinprick, and you’ll likely feel a sensation of cold from the cooling device or gel.

Treating a small area, such as the upper lip, might take only a few minutes. Treating a larger area, such as the back, might take more than an hour.

After Your Appointment

  • Mild Side Effects: It’s common to experience some redness, swelling, and irritation after the treatment. These side effects typically subside within a few hours or days.
  • Post-Treatment Care: Your technician will provide aftercare instructions, which might include applying cool compresses, using soothing lotions, and avoiding sun exposure for a certain period.
  • Multiple Sessions Needed: Laser hair removal works best in phases, targeting hair follicles during their growth cycle. You’ll likely need multiple sessions spaced several weeks apart for optimal results.

Targeted areas for treatment

Laser hair removal is a procedure to remove unwanted hair using heat to damage the hair follicle. It’s a relatively fast process. When done by a trusted technician, it can guarantee long-term results with minimum side effects. It works best on those with contrasting skin and hair colors, for example, light skin and dark hair. It’s important to keep treated areas out of the sun and away from indoor tanning equipment.